The Cartoon Series That Aims to Expose African Mysticism to The World
RED ORIGINS is an African animated series created by Kolanut Productions, an up and coming independent animation, comic, and game productions company.
The production is spearheaded by Nigerian American brothers by Onyi and Obi Udeogranya who started the project in 2012. The brothers initially set out to create an "African version of Dora the Explorer" to teach Igbo to toddlers. The concept was later dropped to make way for the Afro-futuristic cartoon series, Red Origins.
Here is an excerpt from Okay Africa on why they feel so passionately about the project.
“We recognized other cultures had the ability to tell amazing stories while educating the masses on their rich history… that is everyone except us… the Africans,” Onyi (Red Origins‘ producer) told us about his inspiration for the series. “So we wanted to do something about it. Africa itself inspired us. The more we researched on Africa in its entirety the more excited and inspired we became. Nnedi Okorafor, Ben Okri, Chinua Achebe, and all of the amazing Africa fantasy writers.”
The Udogranya's are currently fund raising on Kickstarter to develop the series which you can support here
Brazil has the biggest black African diaspora outside of Africa. Now, when it comes to children’s media there is very little reflection of this fact. As we are based in Nigeria we didn’t really have any idea just how bad the situation was. That is until we were approached by several English speaking Brazilian fans of Bino & Fino asking if there was a Portuguese version of the show.
2015 was a really awesome year. We discovered some really great things that are helping to nurture young minds. After a lot of thinking we've compiled our favorite 5 posts of 2015.
Cultural dances play a huge role in African societies. These dance forms are used to teach moral values, social etiquette and to help people mature and celebrate members of the community while celebrating festivals and other occasions.
Here is a neat list of stores that do African themed greeting cards for you to check out.